This site, in Seattle’s South Park neighborhood, is the gathering hub for a tight-knit, diverse community, which has long borne the brunt of underinvestment and discrimination. Brice led a collaborative team that worked with Seattle Parks and Recreation to renovate the entire site in order to address environmental justice concerns related to air and noise pollution coming from SR-99. Working with the community, the existing spraypark and playground that cater to young children will be moved away from the highway. New lighting, drainage systems, and play field surfacing will offer kids and teens in the neighborhood access to year-round recreational opportunities on the fields and a new windrow of trees will capture pollutants coming from the highway to better protect young lungs. To address a community need and as part of the site’s crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) strategy, an off-leash area for dogs will be installed along the western edge of the site.

*Project completed by Brice Maryman while at MIG

South Park Community Center



South Lynnwood Park Renovation


Jordan Rising